Find out whether you are eligible for Medicare.

We at DreamhealthQuotes can assist you in navigating the intricacies of the Medicare system and identifying optimal coverage you require. There is no requirement to enroll while we assist you.

Medicare eligibility Do I qualify for Medicare

Do I meet the requirements for Medicare?

If your 65th birthday is drawing near, it’s time to start choosing your Medicare options. You might want to get supplemental Medicare insurance to cover any unforeseen costs because Original Medicare (Medicare Part A and Medicare Part B) only covers 80% of your medical expenses. Medicare Advantage plans or standardized Medicare Supplement Insurance Plans are the two primary alternatives for bridging the gap.

We’re here to assist because you are not expected to be an authority on the subject of Medicare. In order for you to start considering your alternatives, let’s go over some essential details concerning your Medicare eligibility. No obligation for enrollment.

When do you become qualified for Medicare?

You'll be 65 soon

The standard age at which you become eligible for Medicare is 65. At this age, you are eligible to sign up for Original Medicare, which consists of Part A and Part B and covers hospital and medical costs. If you are 65 years of age or older, you are typically qualified for free Part A coverage (in other words, you pay no monthly fee).

Your initial Medicare enrollment eligibility period is three months prior to turning 65. That encompasses the three months leading up to, the month of, and the three months following; your 65th birthday. You can enlist, for instance, in May, June, July, August, September, October, or November if your birthday is in August.

You have ESRD or ALS

  • End-Stage Renal Disease (ESRD): Three months after a course of regular dialysis or a kidney transplant, Medicare benefits may start. Medicare coverage could begin on the first month of hemodialysis under certain circumstances.


  • Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS): Medicare benefits may start to accrue at the same time that you begin receiving Social Security Disability payments if you have Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS). People who qualify based on age or disability both receive the same level of coverage.

You Have a Qualifying Disability and Are Under 65

You can now get Medicare coverage if you’ve been receiving Social Security Disability benefits for 24 months. As soon as the necessary amount of time has passed, you should receive a Medicare card in the mail.

What is the enrollment process for Original Medicare?

Enrollment is routine in various circumstances. If you are eligible for Medicare at any age owing to a disability or medical condition, or if you get Social Security or Railroad Retirement Board benefits when you turn 65, you will often be enrolled in Original Medicare, which includes:


  • Hospital expense coverage provided under Part A.
  • Healthcare expense coverage under Part B.


In other situations, people need to enroll voluntarily. When you turn 65, you must finish the formal enrollment process if you are not already receiving Railroad Retirement Board or Social Security payments.

Medicare Part A

Medicare Part A comes without a monthly fee in following scenarios: 

  • If you are 65 or older, have worked and paid Medicare taxes for at least 10 years, or are a government employee who is covered by Medicare.
  • If you are currently receiving Social Security or Railroad Retirement Board retirement payments (or if you are eligible but haven’t yet applied).

Medicare Part B

Medicare Part B has a monthly payment that everyone must pay. Your Social Security, Railroad Retirement, or Civil Service Retirement check will have the amount deducted from it. If none of these apply to you, Medicare will send you an invoice every three months.

Combination of Original Medicare and Gaps Coverage 

80% of all healthcare expenses are exclusively covered by Original Medicare (Parts A & B). Nevertheless, you want to think about getting extra insurance to deal with “gap” charges and to help pay for prescription drug expenses. You basically have two options: 

Medicare Advantage

A private insurer-provided replacement for original Medicare. These programs might provide extra advantages.

Plans A–N for Medicare Supplement Insurance

Gap plans, often known as MediGap plans, are provided by private insurers.

If you decide to add additional types of coverage, you must enroll in these plans. Benefits vary depending on carrier, plan, and your location. These plans are provided by private insurers that have contracts with Medicare. Note that if you decide to acquire a Supplemental Insurance Plan, you are not permitted to have a Medicare Advantage Plan.

You may rely on us to assist you in navigating Medicare’s many nuances. No enrollment commitment or obligation required.

Do you intend to continue working beyond 65 years of age? 

Even if you intend to work beyond age 65, your initial enrollment period (IEP) for Medicare and your 65th birthday are both significant Medicare milestones. Even if your spouse works and provides coverage through their employer, certain Medicare decisions must be made even if you have health insurance through your employment.

Before turning 65 and before the start of your IEP, it is important to confirm with your employer what is expected of you. For example, some employers require that you sign up for Original Medicare (Part A and Part B) at that age. In addition to your employer’s healthcare plan, you may have the option of merely signing up for Part A, which is often free and covers hospital expenses. 

Get the Coverage You Deserve at an Affordable Price 

Being knowledgeable and proactive when it comes to getting coverage pays well. For the best use of your premiums and to fill any gaps, spend some time becoming familiar with Original Medicare, extra coverages, and alternative coverages.


DreamhealthQuotes is able to assist with all of this. By navigating Medicare and walking you through it step-by-step, we’ll help you potentially save time and money. There is no need to enroll, and we can quickly examine the possibilities in your area.

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