Terms of Use

1. Acceptance of the Terms of Service


DreamhealthQuotes Insurance Services, or one of its subsidiaries or affiliates (collectively “DreamhealthQuotes,” “we,” or “our”), owns and operates this website. You agree to these agreements of Service (“Terms”) and our collection, use, and disclosure of your information as set forth in our Privacy Policy or any other agreements linked to these Terms by your access to our Site. Please leave our site if you do not accept these terms. Please send us an email at clientservices@DreamhealthQuotes.com if you have any queries about our Terms or how to utilize our website.




2. Content on the Site Is Owned


Unless otherwise stated, the layout and design of the Site, all documentation, data, services, features, products, and other content at the Site (collectively, “Site Content”) are all protected by the copyright laws of the unless otherwise noted. This includes all photographs, pictures, graphics, and other images, including digital, printed, and video images, and all portions thereof. DreamhealthQuotes owns or has permission to use all of the site’s content. Without an express written license from the relevant site content owner, Site Content may not be copied, altered, distributed, or used in any other manner.


3. Utilizing Site Content


The Site Content found at this Site is made available to you for your personal, non-commercial, and educational use only. You are hereby granted a limited, non-exclusive, non-assignable, non-transferable, revocable license to access and display it on your computer or mobile device for your own use.


4. Rights Reservation


DreamhealthQuotes hereunder reserves all rights not specifically given by DreamhealthQuotes. Nothing contained on the Site or in these Terms shall be regarded as granting, directly or indirectly, by implication, estoppel, or otherwise, any right or license to use any Site Content or other materials of any third party, or as granting such right or license on behalf of any third party.


5. Trademarks of DreamhealthQuotes


The DreamhealthQuotes logo, all page headers, graphics, images, symbols, trade names, and other DreamhealthQuotes marks found on the Site are DreamhealthQuotes’s exclusive property (collectively the “Marks”). These trademarks include “DreamhealthQuotes,” “DreamhealthQuotes Senior,” “Select Quote Home and Auto,” “We shop, you save,” and other variations. It is expressly forbidden to use the Marks without DreamhealthQuotes’ prior written approval.


6. Third-Party Marks


On occasion, trademarks belonging to other parties may also appear on the Site; nevertheless, you may not use such trademarks without the owner’s express written consent. Nothing on the website, whether explicitly stated or impliedly inferred through estoppel or otherwise, offers you a right or permission to use any of these trademarks, and no other entity may do so.


 7. Restrictions, Limitations, and Use Requirements


Any unlawful use of our website or its content is forbidden. Your access to this site is granted subject to your compliance with these Terms of Service. You may not engage in any of the following activities on the Site or for any illegal purpose:


(1) access any personally identifying information about any other Site users or anyone else, solicit it, collect it, or use it;


(2) prevent or restrict the use of the Site by others;‎


(3) Reverse engineer, decompile, disassemble, reverse assemble, or otherwise modify any source code or object code for the Site, or transmit to or introduce to the Site any viruses, harmful software, or other modifications or changes.


(4) submit, upload, email, or otherwise transmit content or other materials to or through the Site that are (a) unlawful, harassing, threatening, abusive, defamatory, obscene, vulgar, offensive, or otherwise objectionable, or that may harm minors; (b) that violate or infringe upon the rights of others; (c) that have an advertising, political marketing, promotional, or other commercial purpose; 


(5) frame or use framing techniques to enclose any Site Content; distribute or copy any Site Content manually or using any robot, scraper, crawler, or other automatic device or process; or use content from our Site in a way that implies an unauthorized affiliation with any of our or our licensor’s products, services, or brands. DreamhealthQuotes is not required to keep an eye on how you use the site, but it does reserve the right to examine or keep an eye on any user-submitted content at its sole discretion.


 8. References to Other Websites


You might discover when using the Site that DreamhealthQuotes offers links to one or more external websites (the “Linked Sites”). DreamhealthQuotes offers these links as a service to you and other users, but is not in charge of the linked sites’ content or the websites that are linked to them. At your own risk, you may link to these Linked Sites. If you decide to visit any of the Linked Sites, we strongly advise you to read their respective terms of service and privacy policies as your use of those Linked Sites will be governed by those terms of service and privacy policies. A connection to or endorsement of the Linked Site(s) or its content does not result from a link from the Site.


9. Limitation of Responsibility and Indemnification


The website’s content, resources, and services are all given “as is” and without any guarantees of any sort. We disclaim all warranties, express or implicit, including, but not limited to, implied warranties of non-infringement, merchantability, and fitness for a specific purpose, to the fullest extent permitted by applicable law. We do not guarantee that access to the Site, its servers, or any advertised or hyperlinked sites will be uninterrupted, error-free, or that any defects will be fixed. We also do not guarantee that the Site, its servers, or any advertised or hyperlinked sites will be free of viruses or other harmful components, or that they will always be available. Regarding the correctness, accuracy, availability, reliability, visuals, links, or other aspects of the use of the Site or any information contained within, including Site Content, we neither guarantee nor make any warranties. Any maintenance, upkeep, or corrective action required for any equipment you use to access the Site is entirely your responsibility. The aforementioned restrictions might not apply to you if your state’s laws forbid the exclusion of implied warranties.


 Technical inaccuracies, calculation errors, typographical errors, and outdated information can all be found in documents, information, product descriptions, illustrations, and other resources on the site. You do so at your own risk if you use such papers, information, product descriptions, illustrations, or other assets.


To the fullest extent permitted by law, you hereby waive any and all claims and rights you may have against us, our affiliates, parents, successors, and each of our employees, assignees, officers, agents, and directors (the “DreamhealthQuotes Parties”) arising out of any harm or damage to, or destruction of, or loss of, any property or person. Under any cause of action, none of the DreamhealthQuotes Parties will be liable to you for any direct, indirect, special, incidental, consequential, reliance, or punitive damages, including lost profits or interruption of business. By using the Site or in any way violating these Terms, you hereby undertake to hold the DreamhealthQuotes Parties harmless from and against any and all claims, liabilities, and expenses (including reasonable legal fees).‎


10. Capacity to Accept Conditions


You declare that you are of legal age to enter into the terms, conditions, obligations, affirmations, representations, and warranties set forth in these Terms and that you are fully able and competent to abide by and comply with these Terms. Children under the age of eighteen (18) should not use the Site. Please leave this site right away if you are under the age of 18. ‎


11. American-based data processing


DreamhealthQuotes processes data in the US; as such, we do not represent that this site is suitable or accessible outside of the US. If and to the extent that you access this Site from outside of the United States, you do so at your own risk and are responsible for adhering to all local laws that may be in force with regard to your online conduct and permitted material. Programs and services that are only offered in the United States (or in certain regions thereof) may be described on this website. We reserve the right to limit the quantities of any content, program, service, or other feature that we provide, as well as the availability of this Site and/or the provision of any content, programs, service, or other feature described or available on this Site, to any person, entity, geographic area, or jurisdiction, at any time and in our sole discretion.


Your personal information may be transferred to and processed in the United States if you are located outside of the country but continue to use the website nevertheless. By using the website, you agree to this transfer and processing of your information. Please read our Privacy Policy for more details on how we handle and safeguard your data.


12. Selection of Court and Forum


Without regard to any principles of conflict of law, the laws of the State of Kansas shall govern these Terms and their interpretation. The state and federal courts located in the State of Kansas shall be the sole and exclusive venues for the resolution of any disputes arising out of or related to the use of this site. No other court or jurisdiction shall be used. You hereby consent to the Overland Park, Kansas, state and federal courts’ jurisdiction.‎


13. Severability and Enforceability


The legality, validity, or enforceability of the remaining provisions or portions of these Terms will not be affected if any provision or portion of these Terms is found to be illegal, invalid, or unenforceable, in whole or in part. Instead, it will be modified to the least extent necessary to remedy any shortcomings or replaced with a provision that comes as close as the law will allow to the illegal or unenforceable provision.


 14. Termination/Exclusion


For any reason or for no reason at all, including improper use of the Site or failure to comply with these Terms, we reserve the right to revoke, terminate, or suspend any and all privileges associated with accessing the Site and to take any other action we deem appropriate.


 15. User Guidelines


You acknowledge and agree that any questions, comments, suggestions, ideas, feedback, or other information that you send to DreamhealthQuotes through the website is not private or confidential, and you give us the right to distribute, publish, change, edit, or otherwise use your submissions in any way. Without giving you any credit or pay, DreamhealthQuotes shall be allowed to use and distribute these submissions for any reason, whether commercial or not.


 16. Modifications to Terms


We reserve the right to modify these Terms at any time, with or without prior notice, and any modifications take effect when they are posted on this page. Please review these Terms frequently for any updates. You will be deemed to have accepted any changes to the Terms if you continue to use the Site after they have been posted. Any feature of the Site, including your access to it, may change, be suspended, or end at any time, and we reserve the right to do so. Any new features, unless otherwise specified, will be governed by these Terms.


 17. Assignment


You are not permitted to transfer or assign these Terms or any rights or licenses granted herein. However, we are free to transfer, novate, or delegate all of our rights and responsibilities under these Terms at any moment.


 18. Full Agreement


The Privacy Policy, these Terms, and any other documents or policies referred to herein together with the subject matter hereof set forth the entire agreement between you and DreamhealthQuotes with respect to the use of the Site and the information, products, and services made available thereon. This agreement supersedes any prior understandings between you and DreamhealthQuotes.


 19. Product Restriction


Products and policies are not offered in all states. There may be prohibitions on false statement and false representation. The quotes, comparisons of policies and plans, and other details we offer are provided by the various insurance companies and are therefore subject to modification without prior notice and/or underwriting requirements by the particular insurance company to whom the application is filed. An insurance company’s quote should not be interpreted as a promise to issue you that particular policy or any other policy. All of the quotes we provide are based on the details you voluntarily submitted to us. The accuracy and timeliness of the information you submit in conjunction with any quotation or enquiry made through the Site is your responsibility. You can update or change the information that we have on you on our website by sending us an email at clientservices@DreamhealthQuotes.com


To purchase an insurance policy, you must submit a finished application to the insurance company. This application, along with any additional information that may be gathered from sources like the Department of Motor Vehicles, credit bureaus, and the Medical Information Bureau, will then be reviewed and underwritten by the insurance company. The insurance company will next decide whether you are eligible for insurance and, if so, the precise premium to charge you for the insurance policy you seek after that assessment and underwriting study. The rates determined by this underwriting procedure could be greater or lower than what you quote


20. Get in Touch


Please email us at clientservices@DreamhealthQuotes.com  if you have any queries about these Terms or how to utilize our website.